by Aram Ziai
In their text, Tough questions for new EU ‚development‘ commissioner‘, Sarah Delputte, Jan Orbie and Julia Schöneberg are criticising EU development policy from a Post-Development perspective. Appreciating the renaming of the EU development commissioner as one responsible for international partnerships only as a first step in a long series of necessary changes, they suggest to ‘fundamentally reconsider the EU‘s engagement with the rest of the world‘. They criticise that Van der Leyen expects ‚value for money‘, wants to pursue ‘investment opportunities in Africa‘, and intends to leverage aid for private investment. And they castigate the focus on ‘countries of migration origin and transit‘ and the corresponding adaptation of funding as the ‘instrumentalisation of EU aid for geopolitical and migration management purposes‘. Instead, the EU should reflect its growth-centered model of ‘development‘ and tackle ‘global structural injustices and inequalities‘ through abandoning the free trade orthodoxy of the EPAs and establishing a ‘truly fair‘ global trading system, ending tax evasion, promoting climate justice and engaging in reparative action for the crimes and robberies committed during colonialism.
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