Zine: Climate Justice and Flooding (in England)

by Juliet de Little

Exacerbated by urbanisation and climate change, flooding in England is predicted to increase in both frequency and volume. Furthemore, existing research demonstrates that the distribution of who is at risk of flooding in England is weighted towards areas of deprivation. In order to engage with and explore flood injustices in England, I draw on climate justice as a lens through which to examine Flood Risk Management in England.

This zine illustrates the conceptualisation of climate justice for climate change adaptation (flooding) in England.

Download, Print, Cut, Fold, Share – Here’s Juliet’s Zine for you!

Drawing from experiences as a flood engineer, (radical) greengrocer and years of climate campaigning, Juliet de Little is interested in how climate justice can be used to guide flood governance in the UK. She is a PhD researcher in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Sheffield.

You’re confused, because this is the first zine crossing your path?

As you know, the aim of the Convivial Thinking Collective is to push boundaries of traditional, oftentimes restrictive, forms of knowledge production and sharing.

Pushing these boundaries sometimes means experimenting and one result of  these experiments are our zines. Zines are self-published, non-commercial, low-cost little booklets that can easily be reproduced and shared. If you will, this is a small scale protest to the monopoly of academic publishers and the exclusionary structures of publishing, knowledge production and dissemination.

Not sure what to do with it? It’s easy: Print it, fold it, read it, share it!