Decolonial Dialogues was launched in April 2020 as a new shared space for advancing ideas and exchanging information about decolonial research methodologies, inclusive curricula and creative teaching and learning approaches across all areas of the arts, humanities and social sciences.
The website was established by a group of UK-based researchers who first met at a workshop on ‘Decolonising Methodologies’ organised by the Sociological Review Foundation, and convened as a follow-up session to the 2019 Annual Lecture given by indigenous studies scholar Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith (University of Waikato, New Zealand).
The site includes specific subsections on: Activism; Creativity (featuring the site’s blog feed); Research (Ethics; Methods; Publications); Teaching & Learning; Your Voice (an online feedback/comments form); and News (showing a clickable monthly calendar of blog posts and listings of forthcoming events, publications, etc.).
Visitors can also follow via Twitter